This is actually my second time to run a marathon. I ran the LA's last May. However, I did not finish the entire race. I ended up walking the majority of the last 6 miles and crossing the finish line in 5 hours and 50 minutes. That was why I decided to do it again this year. I wanted to prove to myself that I can finish the entire race. My goal was to finish it within 5 hours.
I was laying on my bed the night before the race not being able to sleep. Bad time to have an insomnia. I was too nervous. But how could I not? Over six months of hard work and it all come down to this. How could I not be nervous...
2/21/2010 - 7:00 am: me and a thousand fellow runners began our tourney of the marathon. I was lucky enough to find the group I used to train with and decided to run with them.
Miles 1-5: Probably the noisiest miles in the entire race. Everyone were hyper and talking to each others. Feeling like a good big old party.
Miles 6-10: Those were my favorite miles even during practice. My body was warmed up and got into a rhythm I felt like I could run for days. We were running on Washington, Green, Colorado...etc; That is one of the thing I like about running a marathon, a 10K or even a bike tour. I got to see those busy streets in a completely different way. Quiet, no cars, with a few spectators cheering for us on the side. I enjoyed every moment of it.
Miles 11-15: Everyone was serious now. I could barely hear anyone talking. There were six in our group including myself. One of the guys Andy was kind enough to share with me his 'special drink'. He told me that it has lots of carbs in it. Awesome! just what I needed!
Miles 16-19: In my opinion that was where the real challenge began. Anyone who are in decent shape or with some running background could probably run 10 miles or so. But miles 16-19 are different, it is when your body start complaining and your mind start giving you all kind of excuses why you shouldn't go on. That is also where your training pay off.
Miles 20-24: My right thigh and calf began to feel like cramping. I slowed my pace down and occasionally stretched my thigh and calf making sure they won't cramp on me. I guess this is what people referred to as 'THE WALL'. A distant where a lot of runners would stop. I remembered mile 20 was where I stopped last year as well. But it was not going to happen again this year. At that time my focus was only to complete the next interval ahead of me; one interval at a time.
Miles 25-26: I could almost smell the finish line. Our group was completely apart by then. Andy and another guy were behind me while the rest were ahead. My knees and feet were hurting badly after hours of bounding. People on the street were cheering for us. I didn't even bother to see what street I was on anymore. All I knew was to put one foot in front of the other, again and again...
Once I turned that very last corner and saw the finish line, miraculously all my pains and cramps were gone. Hundreds of people were cheering for us. I saw my family cheering and taking picture on the side. I was ecstatic I couldn't help but to put on a big smile despite of the exhaustion. It was really an emotional moment for me. I crossed the finish line in 4 hours and 45 minutes. And the moment they put that medal on my neck, I knew for sure that all the hard work I put in was worth it. I DID IT!
Special thanks to little wing who help with the above pictures ^^