Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mom and Dad anniversary

Today is a special day. Today we celebrate my parents’ 32nd anniversary together. It is really a blessing celebrating this special day with my family. Happy Anniversary once again Mom and Dad! But man~32 years!! I can’t even imagine how it is like to be with someone for so long. Sometimes I would think to myself, is it something wrong with me? Why aren’t any of my relationships working out like that? Or could this be like a generation thing? You know, like perhaps most of us in this generation are just too indifferent that we don't care about our relationships like the last generation do. That kind of explains the 50%+ divorce rate right? I don't know. Anyways, I remember when I was younger I used to fantasize about my love life a lot. Like I would I fantasize I meet my special someone at a really early age and I would marry my first and only love in life; how nice would that be. Well…actually I still fantasize that once in awhile, but of course the ‘young’ and ‘first love’ part can no longer be applicable. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE…I really wish I too one day could have my 32nd anniversary. Amen!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I was reading the Bible the other day and came across this passage. John 4:23 "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." The word 'truth' really got me thinking. Yes, I go to church every Sunday; and yes, I pray to God everyday. But am I worshiping God in truth? I don't know the answer. But one thing for sure, which is not all the time I meant every word I said in my prayers. A lot of time I said things just because they 'sounds right' or cause everyone say it. That is even when I was praying alone.

I can still remember when I first start praying, I think I was probably like 4 or 5 years old. I didn't know the 'formula' of praying or how others pray. All my prayers were basically something like this, 'Dear Lord, (...what I want...), Amen.' Although I didn't thank God as often, or my prayers probably sounded more like a x'mas wish list than a prayer. Despite all that, I am still proud of myself that I meant every word I said. I can still remember most of my prayers back then were for our family to be together forever. ^^

For whatever reason, somehow it seems like I just forgot how to be completely truthful to myself anymore. I guess this is probably one of those things, like innocence, where you just forget/unlearn through life. It used to be peer pressure in highschool and collage, you know where you sometimes say or do things not entirely your will? just for the heck of 'being cool' cause everybody else were doing it I guess? well...that really got me, cause it appears I get so used to that shit I even behave in such when no one is around. I have to remind myself the importance of being truthful. At the end of the day, how am I suppose to learn how to worship God in truth if I can't even be completely truthful to myself at all time?

Friday, October 30, 2009

MJ still got it


A really touching song about parental love, I cried singing along...


共誰玩 共誰做伴侶
進步到 某一點 熱情就會退
自然散去 茶涼掉 淡似清水

命途上 問誰是絕對
注定脈搏相通 十年又過去
廿年過去 仍然是未變的一對

*就算全個世界 亦都失去 他也在這裡
 全場突然寂靜 他都給我衷心的讚許
 就算誰愛過我 又給收去 他熾熱不退
 旁人視為負累 他偏不覺苦 靜心等我歸去*

沒承諾 續廷萬萬歲
要是合約 一方食言 就破碎
善男信女 誰情義 歷劫不衰

若緣份 易來又易去
結伴大概只因 暫時被配對
在人際裡 誰才是被愛的根據


就算全個世界 亦都失去 他也在這裡
如何亂行亂撞 他都准我隨時回去睡
就算誰愛過我 又給收去 他熾熱不退
如何大成大敗 他的寵愛中 亦都只有一歲

共誰玩 共誰做伴侶
進步到 某一點 熱情就會退
共同進退 唯獨是父母這一對

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Nike+ Human Race 10K 2009

We did it! Alex, Freddy and I, we all finished the 10k. It was a good run. I finished in 54 min. and felt pretty fresh after the race. I guess all the practices paid off :)
Here's are a few pic to share.

Friday, October 23, 2009

How can I not love you

I found this song on the internet "How Can I Not". It really touch me. Enjoy!

This is a song about God's dilemma.
He is like a parent watching his child do everything in his/her power to rebel against him. But despite the anger and wrath, he just sighs and smiles saying, "How can I not love you."

When you were a child I loved you
When you were a child I called you my son
But the more I called you
The further you went from me

It was I who taught you
Taught you to walk your first steps
It was I who taught you
Holding you by your hand
It was I who healed you
Healed all of your bruises wounds and pain

How can I give you up
How can I hand you over
How can I treat you like
Treat you like a sinner
How can I look at you
When you turn against me
Compassion is stirring
My love overflowing for you

How can I not love you

I saw you walking
In the desert land
Got me thinking
Got me wondering    
Will he be okay
So I cared for you I led you
But you forgot me
You forgot me

When will you understand
When will you see that I am
waiting right here for you
Come back again
When will you see that I am
Ready to forgive you
and to care for you
and love you once again

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Love this performance, bravo! Beautiful cello playing at the beginning too.

Friday, October 16, 2009


It was a normal Friday, everyone were joking around and taking it easy at work until our boss asked Stanley (my colleague) to his office. Ten minutes later, Stanley came out, packed up and left. Then, we were told to have a 'mandatory staff meeting' in 5 minutes. What the heck is a mandatory staff meeting anyways, does that mean all the other staff meetings we had before were voluntarily? what a stupid term. Anyways, we knew it is not going to be pretty, and we were right about that. 'Hi everyone, due to the delay of some major contract...bla...bla...bla, everyone is subject to a 20% pay cut for the next three months. Oh and we cannot guarantee anything afterward...' Ouch! I wasn't quit expecting that. Everyone went dead silent, and I could tell everyone were thinking 'damn! what a bummer! now I have to update my resume again.' Well...I was planning to update mine after I come back from HK, but I guess that give me just enough incentive to start sooner now. The only good part about all that? We get to 'work from home' every Friday for the next 3 months. Well...that should help, at least I don't need to use my personal time off for job interview now.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Lazy me

It has been awhile since my last post. It's not that because I was too busy or that I had nothing to write about. I was just too lazy. Laziness could be a scary thing. And like everything else, once it become a habit, it's hard to change. Looking back the past few months of my life, it seems like I stop growing or something. Time pass faster when you are living aimlessly. I really think it's time for me to change that bad habit before it's too late. How? to be candid, I have no clue. I am thinking maybe to start with spending a few days a week to polish my poor English; or maybe to learn something new in my field that I don't already know; or be more practical, like finding a new job. um...sounds like a lot of work, guess I better get my lazy ass moving now.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Fundraising Web Page

My first fundraising ever, I'm excited!!

Monday, August 31, 2009


Looking back in the past few years, things were going my way. I got a job, I had a girlfriend, I accepted Christ as my savior, I earned my CPA license, I got rid of a few bad habits, I finished my first ever marathon, I went to Europe for the first time, the list goes on and on. I was very blessed and I am really thankful for that.

Today, however was definitely not one of those days. In fact, I haven't been this sadden for a very long time. We broke up today. It was nobody's fault; for the matter of fact, if I really have to point the finger, it would've been my fault. I am sad not because of the result...well...I should say not totally because of the result. I truly believe our decision is best for the both of us. I am sad because it is nobody's fault and I am hurting someone who I care for. Knowing my personality, I know it would've been much easier for me if there was a dramatic cause or something. Instead now, I am struggled as to what to do. Things like...should I still call her once in awhile? Will she feel sorrow hearing my voice or may even think I am shedding crocodile tears? On the other hand, if I disappear just like that. I don't want she to think after sharing her love with someone for so long, and that person becomes completely indifferent just like that. I know I wouldn't want that happening to me, and more importantly, that is not the case.

Earlier today, a friend of mine told me this; why does it even matter? unless you guys still want to get back together, what is the point of showing that you still care for your ex? much as I want to argue with him, I was tongue-tied on my retort. It crossed my mind that, maybe that's what she is thinking too; that you are either in my life or just leave me alone. ~Sigh~ don't make things any worse Edmond, you've done enough damage already, maybe you should just shut up and fuck off...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Inevitable

Ever since that moment, I was feeling betwixt and between about my decision. But today, my doubts are finally gone. I came to realize it's not how much goods or bads a person has, nor how well that person is treating you that's the most important. People change, the goods you see today maybe the deal breaker tomorrow, and someone who treat you like king today can be careless about you tomorrow. So what is the most important? the answer may sound lame but I think it's Love. Forget about looks, careers, cars...all those craps. Stop being rational for a moment and just answer honestly: how much do you really love that person; and how much do you think that person really loves you. The answer can be cruel, but I think that's what only matter at the end of the day. Back to me, I think today I finally know the answer to those questions and they are 1) not enough, and 2) not much.

I indubitably can feel the disconnection lately. And when two people are just inches apart but have no communication at all, almost like trying to disguise their inner feelings. That indeed is sad, and I feel bitter for that. I realize some things really can't be repaired, trust for example, my heart is sinking right now, I can't find a word to describe...I am such a lousy boyfriend...I hate me...

But it is what it is, I truly believe God loves us all and has plan for all of us, I know we will be fine...I wish you the best...

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Just when I thought summer is almost over, it strikes back stronger than ever. It was so freaking hot I felt like I was about to die after a 30 min. run today. My car even indicated 106 F on my way home. YES! IT'S 106 F! THIS IS MADNESS!!!

Diablo III

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Want vs. Need

I spoke with my colleague today who recently replace his xbox360 with according to him a super gaming PC. He told me the graphic quality of his new PC running NBA 2K9 and Street Fighter 4 is even much better than xbox360. That is hard for me to imagine, having seen how great xbox360 was at Best Buy. Although I was never really into gaming, well, I think I'll still enjoy playing Street Fighters or NBA once in awhile. Not to mention I'm expecting Diablo 3, which is probably the only game I've ever anticipated, to launch in a year or so.
But with all that being said, a part of me is telling I should not waste 700, 800 bucks just for games. That I should save up for something more meaningful, I don't know, maybe like a house or something.

Want vs. Need. This is never going to be easy!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Where to go on Labor Day weekend?

With about one week left before Labor Day weekend, I am challenged as to where to go. This long weekend is special because it is the last one before Joy go back to China. We definitely are not going to waste it at home doing nothing. So now the question is, where to go? Considering I have only three days off; both of us are a bit tight on budget; and Joy is going to Vegas with her friends tomorrow. With those factors, it makes my decision even harder than usual. I want to go to Hawaii, but it is too expensive. Joy loves to visit Yellowstone, but three days are not enough. So where else can we go??? I need help >.<

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My date this weekend

Well...since Joy is going to Las Vegas tomorrow, these are going to be my date for the weekend. ^^

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Nike+ Human Race

10/24/2009 will be the day I put my legs to the test. I can still clearly recall how I felt last year being not able to finish the entire race and ending up with an embarrassing time of 1 hr 15 min. Well...this is definitely going to change this year. In fact, I am hoping to finish in 50 minutes this time. With exactly 2 months remaining now, this will be my primary focus for the coming weeks.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Magic Mountain

A really fun day at the six flags magic mountain with the guys today. I think it has been almost 10 years since my last visit. There are two noticeable changes: 1) Way lesser people; We've ridden a total of 10 different rides, and some of those rides we barely even need to wait. That was awesome! 2) Soreness, dizziness, agitation...just some of the side effects we all experienced today. As much as I hate to admit it, but I think we maaaaay be getting old. I am laying on my bed feeling pretty beat up right now as I am writing this post...SSSAAADDD...I better go get some rest now...99

Inglourious Basterds

I've been longing to watch this movie for months. And I think Quentin Tarantino once again has lived up to his reputation. The best movie I've watched in 2009 yet. I think Everyone should go watch it, especially for guys.

Oh and I bought a bottle of water from AMC today. Don't ask me why, I guess I was really really thirsty at the time. And before I could realize what I had gotten myself into, I was paying 4 bucks for a bottle of water. Yes! they charge 4 U.S. dollars for a fucking 16oz bottle of water at AMC! A total ripoff! and I thought Apple was overpriced. But of course I can't blame no one but me, so afterward I made self-promise that I will never buy anything from AMC other than tickets again...those Inglourious Basterds!

Friday, August 21, 2009


I don't even remember how many times I've mentioned about having my own blog already, anyways, I finally got one now ^^
Here, I intend to share things that are interesting and exciting around me, so stay tuned!

Inglourious Basterds, can't wait to watch it tonight =)