Monday, October 11, 2010


有 人 會 問 : 個 性 天 生 , 任 之 放 之 , 反 璞 歸 真 , 不 是 更 好 嗎 ? 何 必 改 造 ? 有 沒 有 可 能 改 造 ?
個 性 不 可 能 抹 殺 , 卻 可 以 被 改 造 , 猶 如 璞 玉 經 過 雕 琢 , 不 會 失 去 其 本 質 , 卻 能 使 其 光 澤 呈 現 , 潛 藏 的 美 質 更 顯 露 , 最 要 緊 是 自 知 優 劣 所 在 , 然 後 去 蕪 存 菁 。 所 以 一 個 人 認 識 自 己 是 很 重 要 的 。

一 個 人 如 何 認 識 自 己 的 稟 性 ? 據 心 理 學 家 估 計 共 有 十 餘 種 類 別 個 性 的 理 論 , 有 分 為 四 型 、 三 型 、 兩 型 、 九 型 不 等 , 有 些 大 同 小 異 , 有 些 差 別 較 大 。 這 些 雖 然 都 是 人 為 的 劃 分 , 並 不 完 全 準 確 , 但 可 以 作 為 一 個 分 析 的 工 具 。 最 重 要 的 認 識 是 從 與 人 交 往 得 , 知 已 可 以 幫 助 知 彼 , 知 彼 可 以 幫 助 知 己 。 哲 學 家 齊 克 果 曾 說 : 我 們 要 「 主 觀 」 待 人 , 要 「 客 觀 」 待 己 ─ ─ 所 謂 主 觀 待 人 即 代 入 別 人 的 處 境 , 客 觀 待 己 即 從 別 人 的 角 度 來 看 自 己 , 能 如 此 知 己 知 彼 才 有 豐 富 的 收 穫 。

中 國 文 化 很 注 重 人 際 關 係 , 個 人 的 人 格 靠 二 人 的 關 係 來 決 定 ( 例 如 五 倫 中 之 君 臣 、 父 子 、 夫 妻 、 朋 友 、 兄 弟 都 其 特 定 規 範 ) , 可 是 個 人 若 沒 有 獨 立 的 個 性 , 何 來 真 我 ? 不 過 是 角 色 的 重 疊 。 善 於 扮 演 角 色 , 跟 經 過 磨 練 而 成 熟 了 的 個 性 有 天 淵 之 別 , 兩 者 同 樣 很 有 彈 性 , 隨 對 象 的 轉 變 而 有 不 同 的 表 現 , 但 扮 演 角 色 者 出 自 期 望 , 禮 教 的 壓 力 ; 成 熟 的 個 性 則 出 自 甘 心 選 擇 , 愛 心 的 動 力 。

有 人 說 十 五 歲 至 卅 五 歲 這 階 段 最 易 瞭 解 一 個 人 的 基 本 個 性 , 人 長 大 了 不 是 更 成 熟 , 就 是 更 懂 得 扮 演 , 更 掩 飾 真 我 。 成 熟 不 是 收 藏 , 乃 是 承 認 自 己 還 有 稜 角 , 還 可 以 改 變 , 還 可 以 為 了 愛 的 緣 故 放 棄 一 些 權 利 。

保 羅 在 哥 林 多 前 書 九 章 十 九 至 廿 二 節 有 很 好 的 詮 釋 : 「 我 雖 是 自 由 的 ( 有 獨 立 自 主 ) , 無 人 轄 管 , 然 而 我 甘 心 作 了 眾 人 的 僕 人 , 為 要 多 得 人 … 。 向 甚 麼 樣 的 人 , 我 就 作 甚 麼 樣 的 人 。 」 這 種 「 彈 性 」 也 是 耶 穌 基 督 差 門 徒 出 去 時 勉 勵 他 們 要 「 靈 巧 像 蛇 、 馴 良 像 鴿 子 ( 太 十 1 6 ) 。 靈 巧 若 出 於 私 心 可 以 變 狡 骨 , 若 出 於 愛 心 就 是 智 慧 。 馴 良 可 以 是 無 知 , 但 出 自 成 熟 的 個 性 則 是 真 善 美 的 配 合 。

咀 嚼 生 命 糧 : 林 前 九 2 4 - 2 7

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

是日金句 - 10/5/2010

如 今 常 存 的 有 信 、 有 望 、 有 愛 、 這 三 樣 、 其 中 最 大 的 是 愛 。(哥 林 多 前 書 13:13)

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love.  But the greatest of these is love.  (1 Corinthians 13:13)

then 什麼是愛?

愛 是 恆 久 忍 耐 、 又 有 恩 慈 . 愛 是 不 嫉 妒 . 愛 是 不 自 誇 . 不 張 狂 .不 作 害 羞 的 事 . 不 求 自 己 的 益 處 . 不 輕 易 發 怒 . 不 計 算 人 的 惡 .不 喜 歡 不 義 . 只 喜 歡 真 理 .凡 事 包 容 . 凡 事 相 信 . 凡 事 盼 望 . 凡 事 忍 耐 。愛 是 永 不 止 息 .

Thursday, September 30, 2010

9/30/10 Gold Sentence

你 們 要 靠 主 常 常 喜 樂 . 我 再 說 、 你 們 要 喜 樂 。 腓 立 比 書 4:4

Always be full of joy in the Lord; I say it again, Rejoice! Philippians 4:4

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

你 要 保 守 你 心 、 勝 過 保 守 一 切 〔 或 作 你 要 切 切 保 守 你 心 〕 因 為 一 生 的 果 效 、 是 由 心 發 出 。 (Proverbs 4:23)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

你 手 若 有 行 善 的 力 量 、 不 可 推 辭 、 就 當 向 那 應 得 的 人 施 行 。 (Proverbs 3:27)

不 可 使 慈 愛 誠 實 離 開 你 . 要 繫 在 你 頸 項 上 、 刻 在 你 心 版 上 .這 樣 、 你 必 在 神 和 世 人 眼 前 蒙 恩 寵 、 有 聰 明 。 (Proverbs 3:3-4)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"人若愛我、就必遵守我的道.我父也必愛他、並且我們要到他那裏去、與他同住" John 14:23

Monday, August 30, 2010

Let your cry come to me, and I will give you an answer, and let you see great things and secret things of which you had no knowledge.

Jeremiah 33:3

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Poem by Russell Kelfer

You are who you are for a reason.
You're part of an intricate plan.
You're a precious and perfect unique design,
Called God's special woman or man.
You look like you look for a reason.
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You're just what he wanted to make.
The parents you had were the ones he chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom-designed with God's plan in mind,
And they bear the Master's seal.
No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into his likeness you'd grow.
You are who you are for a reason,
You've been formed by the Master's rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Monday, August 23, 2010

6:8 我又聽見主的聲音說、我可以差遣誰呢、誰肯為我們去呢。我說、我在這裡、請差遣我。
- 以賽亞書

Friday, August 20, 2010

Love the lyrics!



不理 外界或者世態炎涼
回到最初 用那顆心 直上

人大卻 開始羨慕
童年樣樣也好 從沒煩惱


不理 外界或者世態炎涼
回到最初 用那顆心 直上

跌倒起身來過 慣性一樣
人大了怎麼反而 漸漸害怕受傷



不理 外界或者世態炎涼
回到最初 用那顆心 直上


不理 外界或者世態炎涼
回到最初 用那顆心 直上
像細個般 純潔勇敢 直上

Thursday, August 19, 2010


太 19
14 耶穌看見就惱怒,對門徒說:「讓小孩子到我這裏來,不要禁止他們;因為在 神國的,正是這樣的人。 15 我實在告訴你們,凡要承受 神國的,若不像小孩子,斷不能進去。」



Wednesday, August 18, 2010

提摩太前書 1:14
並且我主的恩是格外豐盛, 使我在基督耶穌裡有信心和愛心.
And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

箴 言 Proverbs

6:16  耶 和 華 所 恨 惡 的 有 六 樣 、 連 他 心 所 憎 惡 的 共 有 七 樣. 
6:17  就 是 高 傲 的 眼 、 撒 謊 的 舌 、 流 無 辜 人 血 的 手 、
6:18  圖 謀 惡 計 的 心 、 飛 跑 行 惡 的 腳 、
6:19  吐 謊 言 的 假 見 證 、 並 弟 兄 中 布 散 分 爭 的 人 。

Monday, August 16, 2010

到此一遊 哈

Friday, August 13, 2010

路加福音 6 : 38

路加福音 6 : 41

Thursday, August 12, 2010

箴言 4 : 23

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

我在看「愛」這個 字
要怎樣一起去到永 遠
*在愛情裏會看到 包容和犧牲
在愛情裏要堅定忍 耐和盼望
無論怎樣 順境逆境 富裕貧窮
健康疾病 快樂憂愁
我找到你才找到自 己

Saw this in a forum, a very good reminder.

路16:10 人在最小的事上忠心,在大事上也忠心;在最小的事上不義,在大事上也不義。

路19:17 主人說:好!良善的僕人,你既在最小的事上有忠心,可以有權柄管十座城。










加起來卻是最多 我們應檢視一下

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I went to a Bachelor party last weekend. Since it was a fellowship event, so beside food and games we also had our pastor to share with us his knowledge/experience. To be candid, I've forgotten most of the stuff he said. But one thing I remembered.  Pastor suggested us (singles) to gear-up while waiting for "miss right".  And the reason it caught my attention was just a few weeks ago I had this similar conversation with my sister.  I said I wonder why haven't God lead me to my "miss right" yet.  Could it be because I'm still not ready yet?  So when our pastor told us to gear-up last week, it really got my attention.  But to gear-up what? and how? exactly what do I need to do?????? just like always...I have so many questions...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

你 要 專 心 仰 賴 耶 和 華 , 不 可 倚 靠 自 己 的 聰 明 ,在 你 一 切 所 行 的 事 上 都 要 認 定 他 , 他 必 指 引 你 的 路 。(箴言 3:5-6)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


An inspiring speech by Steve Jobs. It certainly gets me thinking...

Monday, July 12, 2010




Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Good Reminder

1) Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2) When in doubt, just take the next step.
3) Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4) You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
5) Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
6) Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
7) Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry, God never blinks.
8) Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
9) Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
10) Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
11) It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
12) Light the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
13) Be well-prepared, then go with the flow.
14) Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
15) Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"
16) Forgive everyone everything.
17) What other people think of you is none of your business.
18) Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
19) Believe in miracles.
20) God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
21) Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
22) Growing old beats the alternative - dying young.
23) Get outside everyday. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
24) If we all thew our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
25) Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
26) The best is yet to come.
27) No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
28) Yield.
29) Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.
30) Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
31) When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
32) If you don't ask, you don't get.
33) Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Monday, June 21, 2010


除祢以外別無拯救  因為在天下人間

沒有賜下別的名  我們可以靠著得救

#站祢面前 我可痊愈  是因祢為我釘十架

祢的寶血洗我罪  祢誠然擔當我們的罪#


因祂受刑罰 我們得平安 因祂受鞭傷 我們得醫治

我們如羊 走迷了路  祢把我尋回祢身旁

repeat # *

主耶穌我愛祢 主耶穌我愛祢

因為祢先愛 是我愛祢 因為祢先愛我們

repeat *

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Something I read



Monday, June 14, 2010


Starting tomorrow this is what I'm going to do!

1) eat every 3-4 hours
2) keep track of every dollar I earn and spend
3) spend 30 min. at least 4 days a week in job hunting
4) 背 a 金句 everyday
5) drink at least 80oz of water everyday

I was really happy yesterday, I've accomplished another new year resolution of mine. I've successfully performed 100 pushup non-stop. YEAH!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Random Thoughts as Always

I've been traveling like a madman lately. I was on the road 5 out of the last 6 weeks. And I think it threw me off a little bit. Looking back at the past two months. Other than work and work-out, I really didn't do much at all. I think it's time to remind myself of my new year resolutions and get back on track before it is too late. I am too good at finding excuses for myself, whatever I do always has a BECAUSE in it. I drank almost everyday when I was traveling BECAUSE I was too stressful; I didn't implement my small meal diet BECAUSE I was eating out all the time; I didn't QT in the morning BECAUSE of the jet lag; I didn't send out any resume BECAUSE it's the NBA playoff...goes on and on. I feel like I am going nowhere...

Something happen lately at work. I really think it's a wake up call from God. I think our firm is going down. I knew we were not doing too well for awhile now, but I never have the sense of urgency until these couple of days. Last week, one of our partners left the firm. This week, I heard there will be a lawsuit between the partners. Well...actually I should have seen the red flags earlier. My boss used to work long hours but now rarely work past 3pm. The other partner is always "work from home" now. There was no direct deposit for the last three payroll period. I should have seen this coming, But I know this is bad when I learn that we are not renewing our CalCPA VP program. That is a continuing professional education (CPE) program, and it's a requirement for all CPA firm who is practicing attestation services. I cannot say for sure that the firm is closing out anytime soon, but it definitely does not look very promising now...

I was really stressful this afternoon. I have deadline to meet by this week. At the same time I have to prepare for my trip for next week. And on top of all that knowing I could be unemployed at any moment just make me very moody this afternoon. So what did I do? I work out like crazy after work. It's my way of "to get out". It works...for a moment, I can really turn my mind off for awhile. I guess my brain was too busy dealing with the pain that it forget how to think or something. Too bad I can't just work-out all day long. And after the shower when the pain is gone, the stress come back. I suddenly remember what I've read repeatedly from QT almost everyday. I should submit myself to God, and let God share my burden, instead of just doing it myself. That is definitely easily said than done. I found out today even though I always said things like 'to let God be my shepherd and lead my way' in my prayers. But when things start going out of the ordinance, the first thing I found myself doing today was...updating my resume, talking to friends, browsing for jobs...etc. Instead, the first thing I should be doing was, to pray. Um...not good Edmond not good!

But least now I realize that, I actually feel calmer. Looking back my 30 years, I had my ups and downs but God still always somehow would find ways to get me back on track. There would be no exception this time. I know all I need to do is to pray and to do what God had taught me to do, and I know HE will take care of the rest. Amen.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


A great 90 days challenge for myself. BRING IT!

Friday, April 30, 2010

TotAlLy RAmDoM aGAin

After going to MBCLA for I think over three years now, I finally decided to go to our fellowship about two months ago. I don't know what took me so long to make up my mind, but I'm glad I did. I start to understand why God wants us to have fellowship. Being around other 弟兄姊妹 not only gives me a chance to learn from them and to practice what I've learn from the Bible but I think also by talking to them and listening to their testimony, it helps strengthen my faith. A good thing indeed...

My five weeks business trip has begun earlier this week. Oakland, West Virginia, then Honolulu. I just got back from from Oakland this morning. Now I can enjoy my two days in LA until heading to West Virginia this Sunday. And quit frankly I am feeling exhausted already. I don't know why, I've been doing this for like three years now but I still find these kind of engagement difficult and very stressful. But I guess it makes sense in a way, we basically have to in and out an organization in like a 2 to 3 weeks. And within that time frame, we have to not only to understand their business structure, but to access their internal control and compliance. In other word, we have to basically point out what they've done wrong based on the knowledge we've gained in those 2 to 3 weeks. It's not hard to imagine how some people could get very defensive sometimes and things can get pretty ugly. Sigh~~so let's just pray everything will go along in these upcoming four weeks...

Time flies, April has already come to the end. One third of a year is gone now, and I think it's time to evaluate my 2010 resolution progress:

1) Finish reading the new testament: Although I am not reading the new testament on a daily basis, but I think I'm doing okay. I'm using another QT material which my church encourages us to use and I think I am doing a much better job in terms of spending more quiet time with God comparing to last year. I think I am on the right track on this one.

2) Find a girlfriend: um...I think I made a mistake by putting this as a 'resolution' in the first place. Unless my goal is to just find any girlfriend, which I am not, or else this is not something I could really control. God has his plan for me, including my significant other. So all I have to do is to learn to depend and believe in HIM completely and do what HE wants me to. And I shall not have to worry about the rest.

3) Finish a marathon within 5 hours: Checked! 4 hours 45 minutes ^^

4) Better money management: guilty! guilty! guilty! I've done nothing! Shame on me! well...maybe I should start tomorrow since it is the beginning of May, okay! let's do this.

5) Learn Chinese input: 遲D先算啦,哈哈。。。

6) Learn 10 new pieces: um...I think I am on track. I start playing piano again whenever I have time, and I think I'm getting some of my touch back now :)

7) Small meal diet: Damn! this is much much much harder than I thought. I've tried this small diet thing at least like three times already this year and all failed. I need to think of a new way to attack it! I WILL SUCCESS!

8) Able to do 100 push up, 200 sit up and 30 pull up non-stop: Last week I tried, I was able to do like 80 push up, 120 sit up and 22 pull up non-stop. I think I should be fine by the end of the year.

9) Get a new job: Nothing yet...BUT...since I will be spending a lot of alone time in the hotel room in the upcoming 4 weeks, this is what I will be doing.

10) Buy a  house: comment....

Well...although my progress is not as good as I hope it would be, but at least most of them are still pretty much achievable. ADD OIL!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


A friend of mine share this passage on his Facebook today, I find it a good reminder to myself and would like to share it on my blog.



Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Best Knowledge Ever

I went to a choir sister's mom 安息禮拜 this morning. That was probably the first funeral I've attended since I became adult. Having no previous interaction with her mom, frankly I did not feel sad or anything. However, the eulogy speech given by one of her granddaughter really got me thinking. She mentioned something like she has no regret because she knew how much her grandma loved her and her grandma also knew how much she loved her. Furthermore, she knew her grandma is in a much better place now and soon they will all see each other again in heaven.

I start asking myself, if something happen to me tomorrow or to any of my loved one. Do they know how much I loved them? And more importantly, are we going to see each other ever again? I remember when I was still very young, probably like 5 years old or so. Out of the blue one day I just questioned what would it be like if I'm dead. Would I out, feel nothing, remember nothing, as if I had never existed? I felt very sorrow at that time I remember I cried out and went to my mom for answer. I asked her what would happen next after I'm die, or if she is die, are we still going to see each other ever again?...etc. It is actually pretty funny thinking back, I guess my mom must had been very confused at that time, she must thought what the heck is wrong with this kid, suddenly start asking all those weird questions... Anyway, I remember what my mom told me. She told me not to worry because even after we are dead, we would still one day reunite in heaven. I was really happy and felt relieved after hearing that. I didn't realized I'd just learned the most valuable knowledge ever at that time. But throughout the called life experiences...I've forgotten that valuable 'knowledge'. But thanks to God, eventually he guided me back and remind me once again of this wonderful 'knowledge'; that there IS eternal life and through Jesus, we could all enjoy it. 

I am thankful that a lot of people whom I love and care for are already believers including my parents. I know for sure that we'll see each other again no matter what happen tomorrow. But on the other hand, there are still a lot of friends and family whom I really love and care for, including my brother, who still have not understand this 'knowledge' yet. And I am guilty for never really try to share with them. A main reason why I never did that was, you know...I like to act 'cool'. I know how others think of people who "講耶穌", I mean...I used to hate it when someone start "講耶穌" to me. Also, I always give myself excuses like 'oh..when the time come, they will believe, God will do His work.' or 'who am I to "講耶穌" or try to convince them? What creditability do I have? I am not a priest or anything, as a matter of fact, I am only a rookie believer whom haven't even read the entire Bible for once; I am not qualify...etc'. But I kind of think differently now. You don't have to be a doctor to tell someone to quit smoking or eat healthier right? and although my interpretation or explanation could be wrong, I know my intention is right. I love them therefore I want to tell them what is the most important, that there is eternal life and such. Life is too fragile, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow. There is really no point to wait; if I really care for someone, then I should put it into action. So if there is one day (hopefully never) that I have to give an eulogy speech to someone I love; I could say I have no regret, that he/she knew how much I love them, and soon we will see each other again in a much better place...forever...

Monday, April 5, 2010


Today, whilst at a complete stop waiting for the light, a stupid sleep-driver rear-ended me. FML

SO 心痛 >.<

Friday, March 26, 2010


It's not a new song but my first time listen to it today, such a beautiful song. And among the many versions I found on youtube, I like the hocc's version the most. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


They are what I consider the real superstars. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Today, I decide to make a to do list.

Monday - QT (30 min); Workout (90 min); Job hunting (30 min); Music (60 min)
Tuesday - QT (30 min); Workout (90 min); Photography (60 min)
Wednesday - QT (30 min); Job hunting (30 min); Music (60 min); Stretching (optional 60 min) 
Thursday - QT (30 min); Workout (90 min); Photography (60 min)
Friday - QT (30 min); Workout (60 min)
Saturday - QT (30 min); Workout (90 min); Just learn something new (60 min)
Sunday - REST

p.s. starting next Monday ^^

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Toy

Ever since Apple announced iPad, I've been debating on whether or not I should get one. Being a Apple fan for many years, it's hard to say NO to basically anything made by Apple. But this time I've chosen something else over the mighty iPad. That would be my first ever SLR camera. Here are some pictures taken by my new baby - Nikon D5000; I hope you like them :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My CPA Certificate

It costs me $170 to have my CPA certificate framed. But seeing how beautiful it is, I guess it worths the money. ^^

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Back Strain

Yesterday, I was all pump up to begin my new 90 days work out program. However, the excitement didn't last too long. About 45 minutes into the work out, I guess due to improper form I strained my lower back. It was just a slight pain at first, and I thought I could just work through it. BIG MISTAKE! A few more reps later a sharp pain hit my lower back. Right then I knew that was it. Back injury was no stranger to me. I have been battling with it on and off ever since college. Shame on me for not being extra cautious. Anyways, at first I could still walk around slowly, but when I decided to lay down after dinner...the nightmare began...

I couldn't really fall asleep due to the discomfort. At around 5 am, I needed to get up and go to the restroom. Holy crap! I had almost forgotten how painful back injury could be. I literally could not get up at all. After like 20 minutes of struggling, I still wasn't able to get up but was able to roll myself from the bed to the floor. I was in so much pain I sweated like I just finished running a 10k or something. I was finally able to stand up after I forgot how long. Unsure whether it was from the pain or the blood flow or what. But when I first stood up, not only that I was light headed but I could not see a thing...really. I put my hand right in front of face and I couldn't even see my fingers...oh and by the way the light was on the whole time just in case you were wondering. Anyways, I also had a really hard time maintaining my balance, I felt like I was going down in any moment. I guess God must've known I need help. For no reason my mom decided to go check on me at that very moment. She helped me up and after awhile my vision came back gradually. I took two Advil afterward and was finally able to sleep...

I woke up at around 9am this morning and still could hardly move. I knew I needed medical attention. My mom, despite being sick herself, drove me to the emergency room. After hours of waiting in the hospital. The good news was my spine was fine, it was only a muscle strain. The bad news was it would take me at least a few days before I could move like normal again, oh...and I paid $120 for all that. Anyways, three things from this incident/accident. First, from now on I should make sure I maintain good form while lifting weight. Also I should strengthen my core muscles to prevent the likelihood of future injury. Second, being able to run or even walk is really a blessing itself. I should be thankful every time I could go out and run, cause you never know what will happen tomorrow. Last but not least, once again thanks Mom and Dad for taking care of me. I'll try not to hurt myself like that again.

**I was confused by the term sprain and strain. I looked them up and here are their definitions for whoever might be interested.

- A sprain is an injury to a ligament, the tough, fibrous tissue that connects bones to other bones. Ligament injuries involve a stretching or a tearing of this tissue.

- A strain is an injury to either a muscle or a tendon, the tissue that connects muscles to bones. Depending on the severity of the injury, a strain may be a simple overstretch of the muscle or tendon, or it can result in a partial or complete tear.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


This is actually my second time to run a marathon. I ran the LA's last May. However, I did not finish the entire race. I ended up walking the majority of the last 6 miles and crossing the finish line in 5 hours and 50 minutes. That was why I decided to do it again this year. I wanted to prove to myself that I can finish the entire race. My goal was to finish it within 5 hours.

I was laying on my bed the night before the race not being able to sleep. Bad time to have an insomnia. I was too nervous. But how could I not? Over six months of hard work and it all come down to this. How could I not be nervous...

2/21/2010 - 7:00 am: me and a thousand fellow runners began our tourney of the marathon. I was lucky enough to find the group I used to train with and decided to run with them.

Miles 1-5: Probably the noisiest miles in the entire race. Everyone were hyper and talking to each others. Feeling like a good big old party.

Miles 6-10: Those were my favorite miles even during practice. My body was warmed up and got into a rhythm I felt like I could run for days. We were running on Washington, Green, Colorado...etc; That is one of the thing I like about running a marathon, a 10K or even a bike tour. I got to see those busy streets in a completely different way. Quiet, no cars, with a few spectators cheering for us on the side. I enjoyed every moment of it.

Miles 11-15: Everyone was serious now. I could barely hear anyone talking. There were six in our group including myself. One of the guys Andy was kind enough to share with me his 'special drink'. He told me that it has lots of carbs in it. Awesome! just what I needed!

Miles 16-19: In my opinion that was where the real challenge began. Anyone who are in decent shape or with some running background could probably run 10 miles or so. But miles 16-19 are different, it is when your body start complaining and your mind start giving you all kind of excuses why you shouldn't go on. That is also where your training pay off.

Miles 20-24: My right thigh and calf began to feel like cramping. I slowed my pace down and occasionally stretched my thigh and calf making sure they won't cramp on me. I guess this is what people referred to as 'THE WALL'. A distant where a lot of runners would stop. I remembered mile 20 was where I stopped last year as well. But it was not going to happen again this year. At that time my focus was only to complete the next interval ahead of me; one interval at a time.

Miles 25-26: I could almost smell the finish line. Our group was completely apart by then. Andy and another guy were behind me while the rest were ahead. My knees and feet were hurting badly after hours of bounding. People on the street were cheering for us. I didn't even bother to see what street I was on anymore. All I knew was to put one foot in front of the other, again and again...

Once I turned that very last corner and saw the finish line, miraculously all my pains and cramps were gone. Hundreds of people were cheering for us. I saw my family cheering and taking picture on the side. I was ecstatic I couldn't help but to put on a big smile despite of the exhaustion. It was really an emotional moment for me. I crossed the finish line in 4 hours and 45 minutes. And the moment they put that medal on my neck, I knew for sure that all the hard work I put in was worth it. I DID IT!

Special thanks to little wing who help with the above pictures ^^

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

TotAlLy RAmDoM

I was delighted to see her again. Nothing much has changed; the two of us still go out like we used to, share our food like we used to, tease each other like we used to, and care for each other like we used to. The only different is we are now...friends. This past two weeks had really brought back a lot of good memories. And I will continue treasuring those memories, but life goes on...

It's hard to believe it is already mid February. Looking back over the past month and a half, frankly, I haven't done much. LAZY ME!!! Sometimes I think, is life too easy too comfortable for me? it seems to me I lack the fire a 30 years old man should have, you know like in terms of career, knowledge, or just getting better in general. I mean I definitely want to, but I lack that motivation. Sometimes I think, will it be better for me if I just move out like my brother did? Maybe then I will learn that life is much more difficult than it seems, and maybe then I will have the motivation, the fire to get better. I've always looked at myself as a pretty competitive person. I know I will fight and go a long distance for something I really want. I just need that motivation...

Speaking of distance; Just 10 more days! hundreds of miles and it all come to this. The Pasadena marathon. I am proud of myself for the commitment I've made so far. Man I've really ran A LOT in the past 6 months, hours and hours of running, whether it was on a steaming 104F afternoon, on a freezing 32F morning, on rainy days, whilst I was on my vacation in Hong Kong, around the 西湖 in Hangzhou (where I almost got lost), or on the treadmills during those business trips... It was really a heck of a journey for me. And I sure hope it will pay off big time next week...

Lastly, a song I really like and was listening to it the whole time I was writing this totally random and pointless post; so enjoy...


突然覺得 我只是一個人 有點孤單 淺淺的憂鬱
我不知道明天 會不會 很美麗
雖然今天天很藍 而雲很白 風很涼

今天日記空白 沒有關係 不必每件事情 都在意
不想工作 不想困擾自己 不必刻意想你
該是我的總會來 就算挑戰 我不走開

一點點你的微笑 已經讓我覺得溫暖
我還不懂堅持 正好讓我學會去愛
我曾經看見困難 變得膽小不夠勇敢
但還是要相信 相信感覺 相信簡單

有一天 等我懂得現實 也許更灰心

一點點你的微笑 已經讓我覺得溫暖
我還不懂堅持 正好讓我學會去愛
我曾經看見困難 變得膽小不夠勇敢
但還是要相信 相信感覺 相信簡單
但還是要相信 相信感覺 相信簡單